People Story | Beverly Blissett | Endoscopy Staff Nurse

Beverly Blissett, Endoscopy Staff Nurse at DMC Healthcare, tells us about carrying out her nursing degree in her 30s and how she is constantly learning and feels thoroughly supported at DMC.

"There is always something new for you to learn with endoscopy"

“I have always been a very caring person”

From a young age, I’ve always wanted to be a nurse. Whenever my younger siblings had an accident, I’d be the one who would help them and get a cloth if they were bleeding. I was born in Jamaica and came to the UK in 1992 when I was 28.

“I did my nursing degree in my 30s”

I took on various jobs, working in a factory and then a nursing home for 6 months. I applied to Whipps Cross and decided to go to college to carry out an access to nursing course and went on to study nursing full time at Southbank University in my 30s. My husband supported me and our two children and whilst challenging, I never gave up.

“My first nursing role was in endoscopy”

I was lucky that on my last university placement at Whipps Cross Hospital’s endoscopy department, my matron liked me so much, she insisted I come back to work there. So I applied and immediately fitted in. After 6 months I was made a senior staff nurse and in less than a year I was made a sister.

“I really like working in endoscopy”

I like to meet people and I love new challenges. There is always something new for you to learn with endoscopy. I like talking with patients and you get ideas from the relatives as well.

“My objective is to always make sure the patient is satisfied”

I always try to make sure that when I speak, the patients understood what I’m saying and I, in turn, understand what the patient is saying. In nursing sometimes you have to compromise and the patient is always right. It is hard so you need to make sure you explain and let them put their point across to you. I always give them my number and tell them that if they are not happy, to give me a call. That way we hardly ever get any complaints.

“I joined DMC in 2018 when the service first started”

I always get on with all the coordinators and I find DMC very open. They will make sure we are aware of any courses and they make sure we always have something to eat and have our breaks, making sure you are ok.

“DMC are very polite and caring”

I work with DMC on the weekend and during the week work at Whipps Cross Hospital. I’m able to get a lot of good ideas from DMC and the doctors are very caring. It’s a very lovely company. They are very accommodating, and support whatever you need development wise. Next week I’m attending a course on endo-surgical insight into colorectal and oesophageal submucosal space.

"I could not have chosen a better organisation to work for. They are friendly, informative and a great bunch of people"

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