About DMC Healthcare

DMC Healthcare is a leading independent provider of, consultant-led dermatology, a leading partner for radiology reporting, insourced routine endoscopy services and many more community services.

Firmly rooted in the NHS and dedicated to excellent patient care for over 55 years, DMC Healthcare currently works with 30+ NHS organisations and other partners, treating up to 100,000 patients each year. With waiting list pressures, workforce shortages and unprecedented demand, DMC Healthcare is focused on solving capacity deficits with a firm eye on quality
and robust clinical governance.

What we deliver

Timely and safe, highly
responsive services

Supporting the NHS to tackle waiting lists and the significant pressure on capacity

Clinically led,
experienced workforce

Supporting NHS teams to deliver
optimal care in the right place
at the right time

The highest quality of care to every person, everyday

Maintenance of the highest standards and satisfaction levels, optimising patient outcomes

Efficient and effective,
innovative services

Constantly reviewed to improve workflows, offering true value and advanced digital pathways

Our Values

Coproduced by colleagues, our TRUST values reinforce that what we do is built on strong teamwork, respect for one another and importantly respect for the patient. We take time to listen and understand everyone’s needs. We’re supportive and truly care and whatever we do, we do it together.

Our team is the essence of our company’s identity and sets DMC apart from others.

DMC Healthcare has been family owned since 1967, and genuinely cares for its patients, customers and colleagues and work collaboratively to offer innovative and responsive solutions. DMC is shaped by a passionate and committed team of clinical and operational professionals who all contribute their expertise and a shared desire to provide the best possible care to patients.

    Dr Senior Gupta founded DMC Healthcare (formerly Dulwich Medical Centre) in 1967, with a vision of caring for the local community through a reliable GP service that was focused on the patient’s journey and experience. He still visits the practices, eager to see the people who make DMC Healthcare what it is today.


    The Founder

    Work with us

    At DMC, our clinicians and operational teams are supported and empowered through a range of learning resources and colleague support, with many opportunities for growth.

    If you’re interested in exploring the multitude of roles available at DMC, click below.

    Clinical Effectiveness

    Clinical effectiveness means ensuring that all aspects of service delivery are designed to provide the best outcomes for patients. This is achieved by ensuring that the right care is delivered to the right person at the right time they are in need and in the correct setting.


    A patient’s information should always be up to date and correct on any systems used. It should also be confidential through correct storage and management of data.

    Risk Management

    Risk Management involves having robust systems in place to understand, monitor and minimise the risks to patients and staff and to learn from mistakes. When things go wrong in the delivery of care, our staff teams should feel safe admitting it and be able to learn and share what they have learnt, which embeds change in practice.

    Patient & Public Involvement

    Communication with patients and the public is essential to gain insight on the quality of care we deliver, and any possible problems that can result. Public involvement is equally as important to ensure that patient and public feedback is used to improve services into day-to-day practice for better patient outcomes.

    Education & Training

    This encompasses the provision of appropriate support to enable staff to be competent in doing their jobs and to develop their skills so that they are up to date. Professional development needs to continue through lifelong learning.

    Staff Management

    This ensures the organisation recruits highly skilled staff and aligns them with the correct job roles. Staff are supported in professional development and to gain and improve their skills.


    The aim of the audit process is to ensure that clinical practice is continuously monitored and that deficiencies in relation to set standards of care are remedied. Research goes alongside audits to pioneer best practice improvements.